Friday, February 18, 2011


Nothing you see means anything. [1]

You say, what does this mean?  Everything means something. To me, this means that we create the meaning of everything we see, touch, feel, hear or taste in our own minds. We attach the meaning, to all things that we perceive.

For example, a table could be a place for things to rest on.  A table could be a place that holds special memories. A table could be something that divides a room. A table could be a place to sit. A table could be something to gather around. Or, a table could be, all of the above, or none of the above. Your choice.

Today, take a look around your room.  What do you see?  Do not assign any value to or judge what you see in your room. Just recognize for a brief moment that everything you see does not mean anything. [1]

          1.  Lesson #1 from from the book "A Course in Miracles".

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Anger is a very interesting emotion. I have been angry for a very long time.  Anger can manifest itself into many forms. So, it is best to first become aware of your anger. Then, embrace your anger. Next, get your anger out. And finally, forgive yourself.

When you feel angry, it is best to go do something. Exercise works great. Take the dog for a run or to the dog park. Make sure to get the angry energy out. And make sure to not hurt others with your anger. Remember, you get back what you put out. It's the universal law of reciprocity.

Finally, you must forgive yourself, before you can forgive others.
Is anger using you, or are you using anger?

Monday, February 14, 2011

The value of connection

Have you ever thought about connection?  To me, connection is one of the most valuable things a person can do with another human being.

This weekend, I was fortunate enough to connect with an amazing group of people. We had connected before, however, this time it was different. We shared with each other. We listened to each other. We felt pain with each other. We laughed with each other. We cried with each other. Most of all, we connected and became a team.

I challenge you to reach out and to connect with someone. It may just change your life.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Music, Sweet Music

There was only one Bob Marley.

This man truly lived in the moment.  He may not have had the best voice or had the most musical talent in the world. However, his songs inspired people from all races, religions and creeds.  He sang from his heart. 

When he performed, he touched people. His passionate messages have inspired millions. In fact, he continues to inspire and touch people today, even though he has been gone for nearly 30 years. 
For this reason, he was truly a musical genius. 

We are all honored to have the opportunity to listen to this man's great work. What can you do to inspire others?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What Lies Within Us

I had the pleasure of hearing the great speaker Byron Embry today.
Byron talked about what makes a speaker great. 
The main thing that I got out of his talk was that you can have the best story or content in the world. However, if the message doesn't come from your heart, your audience will never hear it.

This is like life. We can talk and talk and talk. However, if we don't connect with others on a deeper, more emotional level, our message will not be heard.

His comments reminded me of a great quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson;
"What lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters
compared to
what lies within us."

Everything that we need to know is already within us.  Do you have enough courage to share that knowledge on an emotional level with an important person in your life?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stop Thinking!

Stop thinking. 
Not for ever.  Just for a minute. 
Find a quiet place. Stop the noise in your mind.
Notice what your body is doing.
Are you sitting? 
Are you standing?
Are your feet on the ground?  
Now look out. What do you see?
Look at your hands.
Notice the blood pumping through your veins.
Notice your breath. 

You are now present. You are alive.  Be in your stillness.
Know that you don't have to always be thinking.
You don't always need to be moving.
It's OK to just- Be.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Art of Childraising- Q&A w/ John Medina

Who doesn't care about doing the right thing for their kids?  Are you a "Helicopter Parent"?

If you want to learn more, you should check out this interview here.

So there you are: the inside scoop on the development of brains. Remember to read John’s book for more information: Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child From Zero to Five

Remember to Be Present Now.

Don't Give Up!

Imagine this scenario... being wedged between 2 rocks, facing your own certain death. Only enough water for about another day.  No way to get out.  You are STUCK.

What would you think about?   What would you remember?  Who would you contact for support?  What would you ask them?  What would you tell them? Who would you thank?

Do you have the will to live or have you given up?
Are you just going through the motions?  
What appendage are you willing to cut off so that you may live? 

We all have a story, some good, some bad, some big, some small etc. However, the only story that matters... is our own story. If you don't like your story- CHANGE YOUR STORY- NOW!

Contact me if you need support. Be Present Now.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Free Hugs

Many of you have seen this. Many of you have not. What is the deeper message here?  For me, the message seems clear. As a society, we have become so skeptical of each other, that even accepting something as small as a hug, leaves us asking "What's the catch?"

I had the privilege of doing this exercise recently. The lesson was amazing. Many of the people I came in contact with were very skeptical. In fact, I had several people tell me "No, I'm all good. I don't need any hugs."  Others said "What in the world are you doing?  Is this some kind of experiment?"  Yet others freely came up to me, hugged me and just said "Thank you!". NO questions asked.

What would you do if you saw this?  Join me next time and give a "Free Hug".  You may realize that by giving something as simple as a "Free Hug" something spectacular may happen- you may get "Hugged Back"!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jim Carrey on "Awakening"

An "Awakening" doesn't have to be such serious stuff...See Jim Carrey's experience below:

What is your experience?  Have you had any similar experiences?  Don't be shy. I'd love to hear about it.

Head vs.Heart

Have you ever had a gut feeling?  Something that you know is just, well, right?  Did you listen to this feeling? If so, what happened?

Listening to your heart (or gut) is often times difficult. I know it is for me. My mind is racing all of the time. My mind is guiding me in this direction, it's guiding me in that direction. How can I listen to my heart, when my brain is so LOUD?

Stop thinking for 30 seconds. Take a deeeeeep breath. Relax, count to 10. Keep breathing, nice and slow. Now listen to your heart. What is it saying?  Listen to that feeling. That's what you should do.

More Stuff....

How much stuff do you have?  I know I have plenty. I have small stuff. I have expensive stuff. I have old stuff. I have new stuff. I just keep getting more and more stuff.

Pretty soon, I have to do a garage sale, so that I can get rid of my stuff... so that I can get more stuff. Now I need a bigger house to put all of my stuff in. I'm running out of room here.

I know, I'll rent a place so that I can put all my stuff there....Then I can get more stuff.

Hmm... enough with the stuff. Who wants all my stuff?

Jim Carrey on Eckhart Tolle

Legendary Funny-Man Jim Carrey speaks about the profound teachings of Eckhart Tolle:

See many more videos on You Tube: Jim Carrey

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Split Personalities

How many voices are in your head?  For me, it depends on the day. Most of the time there are at least 2.  Is this normal?  I would venture to guess, that if you are honest with yourself, you would answer yes- it is normal.

We are conditioned to think that this is wrong. That we must be crazy. I would say, that is, sort of true. Not for having 2 voices in our heads, rather, I believe that we are crazy for listening to that other voice.

I know that I have let that other voice talk me into believing things and acting a certain way for the last 41 years of my life. The voice said things to me like- "I'm not good enough!", "Don't do that, you will look stupid.",  "Don't say that- they will make fun of you.", "You better get that big house, then you will have made it and everyone will like you.",  "If you dress that way, then you will get all the girls.", "If you act that way, then they will like you."  and on and on and on..... in a never ending loop.

This inner voice or ego wants to run you. It's sole purpose is to be right, to feel special, to have conflicts etc. Recognizing and becoming aware that "Our Essense" or "True Self" is not our thoughts or our ego, is a defining moment in one's life. We are not our ego's. This is an esoteric concept, and many may not fully understand this. However, becoming aware of this concept is a fundamental step in our own journey.

To provide some additional context and understanding about this concept see this Eckhart Tolle video:

Time to quiet the voice.  To discuss this concept further or to learn more about this, please contact me.

Lose 35 Pounds in 35 Days!

No this isn't some infomercial Ad.   This is the real deal. I'd show you the before and after photos, though I'm still too embarrassed.

I've been (shall we say) pleasantly plump- all of my life. Certainly much bigger and more uncomfortable than most people. I finally said enough. Once I made the decision, I needed a way to drop the poundage. So I came up with a few options:

  1. I could spend 8 hours a day for 35 days straight in a steamy hot sauna. 
  2. I could hire Richard Simmons to give me personal jazzercise classes every day.
  3. Or, I could just stick a needle in my stomach and shoot myself with women's hormones for the next 35 days. 

Hmm.  Easy choice- right.  The first 2 options sounded crazy to me. Only the third option seemed logical. I thought, what the heck, I'm a real man right?

With the goal in mind and the mechanism to achieve the goal in place... I just had to start the process.

So on December 11, 2010, I literally took the plunge. I weighed in at a whopping 240 lbs on Day 1. Injecting myself was unnerving the first few times, though I got used to it. The 500 daily calories of specific veggies, lean protein and fruits were actually very satisfying. I don't recall one time that I was actually hungry.  My energy level went through the roof. I felt more aware and alive than I had felt in years.

Drum roll please....So on Day 35- Jan 16, 2011, I weighed in at a lean 205 lbs. Best of all, I can bend over and tie my shoes.

I definitely give the HCG diet by Dr. Simeon's a very loud thumbs up. Learn more about it here:

Please contact me if you want more info.