Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunshine and Rainbows

"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows."- Rocky

Stop making excuses. Life is hard and keep moving forward.


Al Pacino's Inspirational Speech

Teamwork. Go the extra inch.  Do you like what you see in the mirror?

We can do nothing substancial by ourselves.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Just Do It!

Need anymore explanation?


Growth- Money #1

Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What can I give to others so that I may be paid?
  • How much money do I want?
  • Where can I create value?

Do the following:
  • Focus on giving, before getting.
  • Get clear on how much money I need.
  • Get rid of my debt. 

Money is just a tool.  Money is to be used as a transfer of utility and as a transfer of value. Nothing more, nothing less. Get clear on money.  How much money I need. Then get it. 

See the following link for additional tools: Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University


Emotions- Key Area #1

Controlling your emotions is vital in creating balance and happiness in your life.  Without it, there is anxiety, frustration and fear.

Note, that there is a clear distinction between feelings and emotions. Feelings are conscious experiences of emotions that we can control. Emotions are unconscious expressions that are deep seated.  

Having and creating emotional stability should be one’s priority. To control one's emotions, work needs to be done at the sub-conscious level. 

See tools for working on the sub-conscious mind in future posts and a book coming out later.  


Spirituality- The Key to Happiness #1

Seeking spirituality is the ultimate power of human beings. Seeking spirituality is not only seeking the higher power- God, it's seeking self expression.

By seeking who we are spiritually on a higher level, this allows us to understand ourselves more thoroughly. 

This also gives us meaning. This meaning is a sense of understanding and a sense of connectedness to other spiritual beings.  Additionally, most importantly, it gives us a sense of connectedness to our creator- God.

This also provides clarity and understanding that we are more than our bodies, more than our minds and we are ultimately more than our souls. We are an intertwined combination of all three components that make up an astounding entity- a Human Being.


Purify- The Body #1

It's time to evaluate and clear out all of the bad things that I have accumulated in my body over the last 42 years. So, one of the ways to do this safely and effectively is to do a natural colon cleanse.   

Oh boy, here we go.  This could be fun, I'm sure you are saying to yourself. Well, maybe not.  However, this is a good way to start over, begin anew.  Who knows, this may also save my life. 

Purification is necessary with our Mind, Body and Soul. So, this is a step I am taking to purify my body so that I may begin to start over. A clean slate. Al-righty then. Here we go. 

Check this out for more info. Dr. Natura Colon Cleanse


Relationships- "The Golden Rule"

The key to a solid relationship is communication. There are many forms of communication, however, there are only two forms of communication that matter. 

All Beings are either doing one of two things when they are with another Human Being.  They are either calling for Love or they are giving Love. 

Think about this. The next time you are angry with another Human Being, ask yourself what you really want.  Do I just want to be Loved?

This is known as the "Golden Rule" of communication.


Discover Your Purpose Now!

We all have one.  This could be the most important thing that you do ever.

How do you define your Purpose? One way to define your Purpose is to ask the question “What's important about (x) (that subject) to me?”

Asking this question will lead to another question, which will lead to another question, which will lead to another question. By asking yourself this series of questions, this will lead to a conclusion.

The conclusion is part of the answer to defining your Purpose. Your Purpose will be defined through this important series of self discovery questions. However, you must go back and review this series of questions as for this series of questions will lead to a series of answers,  that will lead to clarity and understanding of what your Purpose is.

Once your purposes defined, it's critical that you work toward your Purpose. Avoiding this will lead to unhappiness and a passionless life.

This is only a starting point. If you are truly interested in seeking help with this, then contact me now. I'm here to help. Let me know and I will walk you through this process. 

Are you willing to discover your Purpose now?


Key Questions to Ask Now

What's working right now?
      Now you know what to do more of right now.

What's not working right now? 
     Now you know what to do less of (or none of) right now. 

How am I Being right now?
     Now you know what your feelings are right now.

Are these feelings serving me or hurting me right now?
     Now you know what feeling you need to change right now.


Paul Potts

What an inspiration.

Why does this person not have confidence?


Career- 3 P's #1

In order to have a focused, balanced and happy career, three components must be in place; 

Purpose- what I have to do. 
Passion- what I want to do.
Proficiency- what I'm good at.

When Purpose, Passion and Proficiency are combined, they form a sweet spot, a true target.  Until then, we will be floating aimlessly throughout life and we will not have true happiness, joy and peace.

The 3 P's and your Career

Knowing your own 3 P's is critical in choosing, obtaining and enrolling in your Career.  

Without the clarity that knowing your 3 P's brings, you may be doomed for a future of ambiguity, boredom, frustration and potentially worse. 

I will discuss some tools that I have developed to gain clarity in determining your own 3 P's in future posts and a book down the road. 

The 3 P's

Have you ever noticed that the most important things in life come in three's?  This is no exception.
Here are my 3 P's:


By knowing these 3 P's in your heart and being completely clear on what they are is one of the keys to happiness. I will discuss the best ways to determine what your 3 P's are in future posts and in a future book. 

Wayne Dyer on Purpose w/ Tony Robbins

Here is a classic interview with Wayne Dyer on the importance of knowing your Purpose and what the most important thing is in life:

We become what we think about!

Positive Affirmations

Using positive affirmations to create the things in your life that you want can be simple or as complicated as you want. Here is a great example of a couple of different mechanisms. 

Positive Affirmations Combined 

With Binaural Beats Alpha Wave

Positive affirmation to attract 
Love and Money (example)

Napoleon Hill- Positive Mental Attitude

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich-Pt seven Positive Mental Attitude

Having a positive mental attitude is more important than having all of the intelligence in the world.   How is your attitude?

Bamboo Flute- Chinese Music

Here are some good examples to help focus our minds on stillness.

Bamboo Flute-Chinese Music
Zen - Chinese Bamboo Flute with Nature Sounds

Chinese Bamboo Flute Music. ShaKuhachi.

Zen garden Relaxation Music

Eckhart Tolle - "The Silent Space of Stillness"

Stillness of our consciousness, is in everyone.
No matter how turbulent our thoughts and realities are, obtaining stillness should be one's priority.

Seeking and obtaining stillness allows for freedom, liberty and peace in our lives. Without stillness, we will continue to be a slave to our own thoughts and ego.

What are you doing to be still now?

Stillness in Time- Jamiroquai

Stillness.... the way things need to be.

Be Present.  Now.

P90x my next step

I've dabbled in this program over the last 45 days. Working out for a couple of weeks, then stopping. On again, off again. I'm committing to this program as a new 90 day goal- NOW.

My body is the foundation of all other things. It is the vessel that carries me through my life. It is time that I focus my time, attention and energy toward making my body the way God intended it. I am a strong and powerful man both physically and mentally.

Check back her for my progress.

HCG update 4/4/11

Current weight: 200 lbs. on 4/4/11.
I am making progress and on my way to a 90 day goal of 190 lbs.
by April 9, 2011.

Looks like more apples are in my future this week.

Spartan Race

Human will and determination at its finest.

Check out a race coming to your town.

Susan Boyle

Looks can be deceiving. We all have amazing abilities.

What is yours?


Unbelievable talent.

What's your talent?

When Things Are Tough

When things are tough... keep on going.  One foot in front of the other. It will be OK. Keep moving. Keep your Faith. Things will soon be better!

Things I am Grateful for #4- My Family

Without my family, I would be alone. I spend time with my family. I grow with my family. I experience new things with my family. I live a rich life with my family.

I love my family and I am grateful for them.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Atlas Shrugged- The Movie

Oh boy...I can hardly wait for this one! This is one of my all time favorite books. I hope they do it justice.

Who is John Galt?  Go Dagny Go!

Personality Types

What is a "Personality Type"?

A personality type is essentially a "coat" or "mask" that we have put on our "persona" to project outward to the world.   This is a "mask" because it is a learned set of behaviors that each of us has adapted to and have essentially become.

Although we are a combination of behaviors, each one of us has a dominant "mask" that we project to the world. If we want to, we have the ability to change this "mask" and to move into a different "personality type".

There are 4 main types of personality:

  • Controller- rigid, rules based, task oriented.
  • Supporter- fun, people pleaser, relationship oriented.
  • Analyst- goal, direct, task oriented. 
  • Promoter-  easy going, fun loving, relationship oriented.

These are just "types" and all of us are blends of all types.  Knowing your own type is helpful in identifying your needs and wants. Knowing other peoples personality type helps us to better relate to other people's needs and wants. The benefit of knowing personality types is that it will enhance and improve relationships that we have with others and ourselves.

Things I am Grateful for #1- God

I am Grateful for God. God has given me so many things in my life, I am truly blessed.

He is the Creator of all things and the conduit to all things. I am the person that I am because of God. I have everything that I have ever wanted because of God.  He guides me on my life path and provides all of the things that I need.

For this and more, I am truly Grateful for God.