Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Split Personalities

How many voices are in your head?  For me, it depends on the day. Most of the time there are at least 2.  Is this normal?  I would venture to guess, that if you are honest with yourself, you would answer yes- it is normal.

We are conditioned to think that this is wrong. That we must be crazy. I would say, that is, sort of true. Not for having 2 voices in our heads, rather, I believe that we are crazy for listening to that other voice.

I know that I have let that other voice talk me into believing things and acting a certain way for the last 41 years of my life. The voice said things to me like- "I'm not good enough!", "Don't do that, you will look stupid.",  "Don't say that- they will make fun of you.", "You better get that big house, then you will have made it and everyone will like you.",  "If you dress that way, then you will get all the girls.", "If you act that way, then they will like you."  and on and on and on..... in a never ending loop.

This inner voice or ego wants to run you. It's sole purpose is to be right, to feel special, to have conflicts etc. Recognizing and becoming aware that "Our Essense" or "True Self" is not our thoughts or our ego, is a defining moment in one's life. We are not our ego's. This is an esoteric concept, and many may not fully understand this. However, becoming aware of this concept is a fundamental step in our own journey.

To provide some additional context and understanding about this concept see this Eckhart Tolle video:

Time to quiet the voice.  To discuss this concept further or to learn more about this, please contact me.

1 comment:

  1. This was FASCINATING. Thanks for sharing it! Great blog. Looking forward to more.
